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Does your school have a carefully constructed Bible curriculum that carries students forward from one grade level to another with age-appropriate biblical texts being read and studied? ï‚·
Are your students reading and studying the Bible itself, or are they spending time in Bible classes talking about the Bible? ï‚·
Are your middle-school and secondary students reading whole texts, or are they reading bits- and-pieces of the Bible out of context and continuity? ï‚·
Are your Bible teachers skilled at developing a biblical narrative or argument or poem, or do they lack experience in teaching the varieties of literary form found in the Bible? ï‚·
Are your Bible teachers among the best members of your faculty, or—as is so often the case— are inferior teachers assigned to teach God’s Word just to keep them employed? ï‚·
Do your students learn theology from the text of Scripture, or is it imposed by a teacher or by a textbook? ï‚·
Are all your teachers of Bible and other subjects—as part of their terms of employment— required to help students perceive a variety of worldviews, including a Christian worldview?
PAIDEIA, Inc. offers counsel and mentoring to heads of schools, academic deans, grade-level principals, department chairs, and teachers, including curriculum revision, lesson planning, and worldview development.
Begin by requesting a free copy of a statement called “Teaching the Bible in an Academic Setting” by D. Bruce Lockerbie and a copy of a SPECIAL EDITION of
THE PAIDEIA LETTER called "The Sorry State of Bible Teaching in Christian Schools."
Please send information about how PAIDEIA, Inc. can help improve our school’s Bible teaching.
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