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PAIDEIA, Inc., is a comprehensive consulting firm dedicated to a biblical worldview that seeks excellence to the glory of God in all areas of leadership and development in education, from elementary and secondary schools to colleges, universities and seminaries, as well as other not-for-profit agencies, associations and institutions. We offer our clients practical solutions to help them fulfill their mission and make possible the excellence they aspire to achieve.



Since 1965, we have provided wide-ranging consulting services in five critical areas of operation that we call “the 5 M’s:” mission, management, marketing, master planning and money.

Contact Us






Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 26
Stony Brook, NY 11790 



News & Publications

On August 1, 2023, we began our 35th year of publishing THE PAIDEIA LETTER, the only publication of its kind reaching Christian educators from K-12 schools through college/university and seminary throughout the world.  The purpose of our publication is to inform, instruct, and even inspire Christian educators at every level of our vocation.


We publish multiple issues (more than 50 in 2022-2023) in four formats: THE PAIDEIA LETTER quarterly, multi-pages (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring); Subscriber’s Supplement quarterly extended essay; SPECIAL EDITIONs frequently; and THE PAIDEIA BULLETIN as an expedited messenger when critical issues arise.


Our subscription year runs August 1, 2023 through July 31, 2024, and new subscribers will receive recent back issues.


Effective August 1, 2023, the annual subscription rate is $175.00, payable by check to PAIDEIA, Inc. or by credit card.

Areas of Consulting


Executive & Administrative Search-and-Placement

Mentoring of Heads of Schools


Strategic Planning




Board of Trustees/CEO Workshops


Advancement, Annual Giving, Endowment, Capital Campaign




Biblical Worldview




21st Century Technology




PAIDEIA, Inc. issues the following declaration as Manifesto 2023, urging every Christian academic

institution (preK-12, college/university/seminary) to end its seeming apolitical stance and announce

instead how its claims of biblical authority and biblical worldview affect its non-partisan instruction

offered to students.





1. My soul, body, and mind belong to God who created me and sustains in me the breath of life.

2. I have committed myself to faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

3. My calling and life’s work is to demonstrate what it means to love the Lord my God with heart, soul,    

    strength, and mind and encourage others to do so, whether as students, teachers, coaches,                            administrators, board members, or financial supporters of Christian academic institutions.

4. Although I have lived in a safe and comfortable culture where my Christian faith has been protected,                I can no longer expect to practice my faith free from potential prejudice and even persecution.

5. My Christian nurture has always stressed the biblical commands to respect and obey those to whom                God has given human governing authority, but I also believe that my duty as a citizen demands the                  priority of my obedience to God’s law over submission to government when its laws conflict with divine            authority. 

6. I further believe that Christian institutions can no longer purport their political neutrality regarding                    actions by governments based on principles and policies adverse to their stated godly mission. 

7.  Rather, such institutions—starting with the home, church, and school—must advocate unstintingly the              biblical source of their respective mission and its implementing, resisting without partisanship any                    authoritarian effort to negate the positive effect of their godly purpose, when fulfilled.

D. Bruce Lockerbie, Chairman/CEO



Since 1965, PAIDEIA, Inc. has conducted executive and administrative searches for schools, colleges/universities, and seminaries.  Our client list includes major institutions throughout North America and overseas.  We are currently seeking qualified applicants for Head of School in the Kansas City area (appointment effective July 1, 2024).  For information, contact D. Bruce Lockerbie /

  • The 2016 revision of From Candy Sales to Committed Donors: A Guide to Financing Christian Schools is complete with new data, new illustrations and photographs, and new commentary by more than a dozen Christian school leaders.  Originally published in 1996, the new version of From Candy Sales to Committed Donors is available in either of two formats: pdf version (to be copied once by the purchaser) or binder-bound version.  The pdf version costs $45.00 and the binder-bound version costs $55.00, payable either by check or purchase online.

In 1952, Dr. Frank E. Gaebelein, founding headmaster of The Stony Brook School, delivered lectures at both Dallas Theological Seminary and Denver Seminary.  From these lectures developed his benchmark book The Pattern of God’s Truth: Problems of Integration in Christian Education, first published in 1954 by Oxford University Press.  Since then this remarkable book has never been out of print.  It continues to inform and challenge teachers in Christian schools, colleges/universities, and seminaries.

the patterns of gods truth.jpg

For information about how PAIDEIA, Inc. conducts a search or

for references from clients, contact

© 2024 by PAIDEIA, Inc.

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